Modèle: FMAP10CWLR
Climatiseur PortatifLe climatiseur portatif Fridgemaster conviennent mieux aux pièces moyennes, offrant une couverture allant jusqu’à 450 pi2. Il offre trois modes de confort – refroidissement, ventilateur ou déshumidificateur –vous permettant de choisir le confort que vous voulez à tout moment. Grâce à sa conception pratiquesans vidange, vous n’aurez jamais à vous soucier d’éliminer l’humidité condensée, et sa conceptionefficace assure un fonctionnement silencieux pour votre tranquillité d’esprit.
Les commandes électroniques en font un excellent choix pour demeurer confortable chez vous.
3 modes – refroidissement, ventilateur & déshumidificateur.
Un ventilateur centrifuge haute performance assure un fonctionnement silencieux jusqu’à 50db (A).
La certification Energy Star signifie qu’il est plus écoénergétique et permet de réduire votre facture d’électricité.
Le filtre lavable permet de réduire les bactéries, les odeurs et les particules.
Échange sur 1 an.
Connectez-vous de n’importe où avec l’application ConnectLife de Fridgemaster (Android, iOS) pour modifier les paramètres ou surveiller votre climatiseur de fenêtre – fonctionne avec Hey Google et Alexa.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous toutes les caractéristiques techniques, dont les dimensions.
Vérifiez auprès de ces détaillants pour la disponibilité des produits.
Why Buy from an Authorized Dealer Buying From Unauthorized Dealers Affects YOUR Consumer Rights
Why do we care who sells and services our products?Hisense stands behind our products. We want to help you achieve your fitness goals. We strive to provide quality products, exceptional customer service, and a warranty that protects your investment in the event your product should encounter specific issues.
To ensure you receive the quality service you deserve, we select Hisense Authorized Dealers and Servicers whom we believe share our vision of quality and service.
When an unauthorized dealer sells a Hisense product, they are misrepresenting our products and inaccurately designating the Hisense relationship with them. This adversely affects our goodwill and our name in the industry and community, and negatively impacts you in the following ways:
Warranty IssuesThe Hisense warranty is not transferable, the warranty belongs to the person who bought the Hisense product -- in this case, that person is the unauthorized dealer. The warranty cannot be transferred to you.
Our warranty also clearly states that it is void in the event an unauthorized person provides service to the equipment - this includes installation and set up of the product.
Safety and Service IssuesWe have a legitimate interest in preventing products from being sold by unauthorized dealers who may not have Hisense qualified and trained personnel for installation or service.
Unauthorized servicers do not have access to Hisense certified parts. There may be some safety risks involved when an unauthorized servicer utilizes parts not specifically designed for Hisense products.
Hisense invests significant time and effort designing and building the finest equipment in the industry. By purchasing Hisense from an authorized dealer, you can rest assured that you will get the most from your investment. If you question whether or not you are purchasing from an authorized dealer, please contact Hisense for confirmation.